We have created a Canadian Supporter Group Pride Kit to raise money for Rainbow Railroad, a Canadian charitable organization that helps LGBTQ individuals escape violence and persecution in their home countries. The design was created by a Forge Supporter, @kitnerdmark !! Each kit will use the same design, with each Supporter Group’s individual crest on the chest. We will be using Olive & York as our production company. Please Note: This is separate from our Prideraiser campaign. This started out with Red River Rising and expanded to the other CPL SG’s….but with all the fan crossover in BC, Whitecaps SG’s and TSS Rovers caught wind of it as well and asked to join. This is a pre-order. It will be a minimum of 7-8 weeks before kits are ready. Ordering window closes Monday, July 17 10:00am. ORDER HERE
Hello everyone, The RRR board has been in deep discussion with security and the club since the beginning of the season, and we’re excited to tell you… Effective Sunday June 25th, as a trial we will be moving the Trench to Section 141, right behind the net. This will allow us to heckle the opposing goalie better, have a more traditional supporter section location AND……. have smoke IN OUR SECTION! There are a couple of changes to the rules so read carefully, we think you’ll be very happy with the allowances the club has given us! 1. Moving forward, supporters in the trench WILL be able to set off smoke in our section. If you’d like to be a part of this please send a message to Tayler so she can fill in more details on how this is to […]
Kings Head Quarantine TIFO Contest
We may as well use our time at home to prepare TIFO to fill the stands when games resume. The Kings Head has generously donated a prize for the best TIFO – A Kings Head scarf and a $25 Kings Head gift card. Your TIFO can be any size you like and can be made with any materials that you already have at home. You could use an old bed-sheet or pillowcase or surprise us with something outside of the box. It’s time to have a little fun! Judges – Rob Gale, José Galán, and Chris Graves TIFO will be judged on the following criteria Effort – Is it clear that you put blood, sweat and tears into this? Creativity – This is a quarantine! We want to see what you can do with what you have at home. Utility […]
Red River Rising Presents: Design A Scarf Contest
We are all trying to survive without having any Valour games to watch due to our current global situation, so to help pass the time and get us into our supporting mindset, we are looking for entries for our next scarf contest. If you are a member of Red River Rising and support Valour FC then we would love to see what you can come up with! Scarfs that are entered will be voted on by fellow supporters to determine the winner. We will then hold a pre-order drive to help members guarantee a new scarf as this will be a limited-edition scarf. If your scarf is voted as the winner by the end, you will receive your scarf on the house as well as your choice of a $20.00 gift card to either Valour store, Kings Head, or Nicolino’s. […]
The Trench on the Road
The Spring season is over, and wow was that a busy couple of months! June alone was packed, between Valour games, the Voyageurs Cup, Gold Cup and World Cup. On July 2nd, as I looked ahead to 16 days without any games, it almost felt like a welcome reprieve. But after 6 days, I’m already feeling a little bit of withdrawal. And we are facing a long 3 weeks before we can get back to The Trench on July 27th. If, like me, you are looking for ways to keep the support going through July, I highly recommend travelling to an away game. It’s a fun way to connect with other travelling supporters, and there is a comraderie that comes while supporting on the road. With 276 people in our section, it’s hard to get to know everyone and away days […]
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