We’re holding our first ever Annual General Meeting at 7:00pm on Thursday February 7th at the King’s Head pub. We’re going to discuss our plan for the inaugural season and elect a board of directors to run the group. If you’d like to get involved on the board you can send your name and the position for which you’re applying to volunteer@redriverrising.ca. The deadline for applications is 11:59pm Sunday February 3, 2019. And if you don’t want to be on the board but still want to pitch in we’ll have opportunities for volunteers to join the committees we’re creating. We’ll focus on things like game day operations, community outreach, merchandise, and communications. We’ll share more details at the meeting. So make sure you join us at the meeting at 7:00pm on February 7, we’re excited for the league kick off […]
Call to Action
A recent twitter thread by friend to Canadian Soccer @FrTheBlackHole resonated with me. Many of us have passionately engaged in the CPL supporters movement over the last 12 to 18 months. We’ve attended events, hosted meetings, made scarves, and spoken the CPL gospel to anyone who would listen. It has been exciting, and a lot of fun. But as time drags on with very little public news, the weight of the silence has gotten to the best of us. And that made me think. If people actively involved like Rob and I are feeling disappointed, it is no wonder that the people of Winnipeg are sceptical. I get why you might be struggling to believe this is all real. That a professional soccer team is coming to Winnipeg. In this city, there has been no public engagement from the ownership group […]
Building Relationships
On May 6th, the Canadian Premier League (CPL) was officially approved by the Canadian Soccer Association, with the Winnipeg Blue Bombers, and Hamilton Tiger-cats of the Canadian Football League owning the teams first two chartered members. This only got Winnipeg fans more excited as River City will once again be the home to top notch professional soccer. As part of these exciting times and build relationships with the Winnipeg Blue Bombers, Red River Rising (RRR) reached out to them and contacted them. The Blue Bombers Vice President of Business Operations Kelly Kowalchuk replied back. From there, it was pinning down a day, time, and place. After much back and forth, we confirmed a meeting June 19th at the University of Winnipeg Garbonzos location. One key thing that we as a supporters group discussed was ideas we were looking for in a team and game day experience. Generally, RRR wants this […]
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